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Experience the fragrant aroma and sharp flavor

Try the distinctive fresh and clear taste

The clear and brilliant taste
is followed by the umami flavor of rice.
Even drinkers who are new to sake can fully enjoy the great flavor of junmai sake with a clear taste while bringing out the umami flavor of rice.

We aim to stand at the very pinnacle of Japanese sake,

so our customers feel on their first sip "Sake is delicious!"

It is not uncommon to think that sake is difficult to approach or drink. With "Gassan," we aim for flavor that disrupts this whole idea. We hope that people who have not tried sake before, or want to try sake in the future, will try this brew.

It has a fresh and fragrant flavor, so it is loved by both overseas customers and female customers in Japan as well.

Sparkling Cloud

Carbon dioxide is also produced simultaneously in the liquor tank with yeast that ferments alcohol. This sake has a natural effervescence, that blends into the liquor, because the yeast continues to ferment in the bottle, producing carbon dioxide. Enjoy the fine foam, gentle aroma of ginjo, and refreshing flavor unique to the special manufacturing method, known as in-bottle secondary fermentation.

Daiginjo, Tsuki No Shizuku

The finest Gassan sake is made with Yamada Nishiki rice polished 35%. It is made so that customers can enjoy the fragrant and gentle taste of sake that drips naturally from bags into tobin (18 liter glass bottles). (Daiginjo: Special brew sake made from rice with a polishing ratio of 50% or less, fermented at low temperature.)

Daiginjo, Ohgi

It is distinguished by a fruity aroma peculiar to ginjo sake, and a silky, delicate mouthfeel. This daiginjo sake was made by combining the advanced techniques of Gassan. (Daiginjo: Special brew sake made from rice with a polishing ratio of 50% or less, fermented at low temperature.)

Junmai Daiginjo

This sake has a rich umami flavor and aroma, with a clear flavor. It is a well-balanced and harmoniously made product. (Junmai daiginjo: Special brew sake made from only water, koji, and rice with a polishing ratio of 50% or less, fermented at low temperature.)


This sake spreads softly in the mouth, and has a gently sharp flavor. It is Izumo style ginjo sake with a good balance of aroma and taste. (Ginjo: Special brew sake made from rice with a polishing ratio of 60% or less, fermented at low temperature.)

Junmai Ginjo

This is a great product of Gassan, which has won the honor prize successively in the “Sake with Excellent Flavor” category of the Hiroshima National Tax Bureau Sake Awards. (Junmai ginjo: Special brew sake made from only water, koji, and rice with a polishing ratio of 60% or less, fermented at low temperature.)

Tokubetsu Junmai

This sake has a scent like muscat grapes, and a refreshing flavor. It is a versatile sake which goes well with any dish. (Tokubetsu junmai: Pure sake made only from water, koji, and rice with a polishing ratio of 60% or less.)

Tokubetsu Junmai, Izumo

This junmai sake has a gentle aroma and flavor, and has won the highest gold award at “The Fine Sake Awards Japan.” (Tokubetsu junmai: Pure sake made only from water, koji, and rice with a polishing ratio of 60% or less.)


Distribution of this product is limited to the San’in region. It is a versatile sake that can be enjoyed both hot and cold. (Junmai: Pure sake made from only water, koji, and rice.)

Houjun Karakuchi, Junmai

This is the Gassan classic, junmai sake. It has a dry flavor, but is a mellow Izumo-style standard junmai sake. (Junmai: Pure sake made from only water, koji, and rice.)


This mellow pure brewed honjozo sake combines the umami flavor of rice with a gentle flavor. It is a regular sake that can be enjoyed either hot or cold. (Honjozo: Sake made from koji, water, rice with a polishing ratio of 70% or less, and a small amount of added alcohol.)

Orochi, Kimoto, Junmai Daiginjo

The traditional kimoto method is used to make a beautiful, delicious finish. It has a scent of fruit reminiscent of green apples and the unique flavor of the kimoto method. It is well-balanced, with a pure refreshing taste that retains the sour and umami flavors. (Kimoto: A traditional method for preparing shubo (fermentation starter), which includes the laborious process grinding shubo into a paste.) (Junmai daiginjo: Special brew sake made from only water, koji, and rice with a polishing ratio of 50% or less, fermented at low temperature.)

Orochi, Kimoto, Junmai Ginjo

The kimoto method is used to make sake with a beautiful, delicious finish. It has strong sour and umami flavors, but no odd flavors, and is brewed raw with clean and fragrant ingredients. We recommend drinking it chilled. (Kimoto: A traditional method for preparing shubo (fermentation starter), which includes the laborious process grinding shubo into a paste.) (Junmai ginjo: Special brew sake made from only water, koji, and rice with a polishing ratio of 60% or less, fermented at low temperature.)

Orochi, Kimoto, Junmai

The kimoto method is used to make sake with a beautiful, delicious finish. It tastes great either hot or cold, and is refreshing with any dish. This sake is best served with food, as it has an outstanding sharp flavor with a refreshing taste, thanks to its sour flavor. (Kimoto: A traditional method for preparing shubo (fermentation starter), which includes the laborious process grinding shubo into a paste.) (Junmai: Pure sake made from only water, koji, and rice.)

Mizuki, Junmai Daiginjo

This sake has an excellent balance of soft sweetness and refreshing sour flavor. Its mouthfeel is light, and the refreshing fruity taste spreads through the mouth. (Junmai daiginjo: Special brew sake made from only water, koji, and rice with a polishing ratio of 50% or less, fermented at low temperature.)

Mizuki, Junmai Ginjo

We use “Yamada Nishiki,” a sake-brewing rice from Shimane Prefecture, to produce a flavor that has a great combination of the umami taste of rice and a refreshing taste. It is palatable to a wide range, from people who drink sake regularly, to people who do not drink it very often. (Junmai ginjo: Special brew sake made from only water, koji, and rice with a polishing ratio of 60% or less, fermented at low temperature.)

Junnmai Ginjo Ryoka

This sake is only sold in summer. It is brewed with the concept of cooling and moisturizing your throat in the hot summer. (Junmai ginjo: Special brew sake made from only water, koji, and rice with a polishing ratio of 60% or less, fermented at low temperature.)

Junmai Ryoka

This junmai sake is only sold in summer. It is a standard sake served on summer nights, and does not lose its flavor even when chilled. (Junmai: Pure sake made from only water, koji, and rice.)

Junmai Ginjo, Hiyaoroshi

This sake is only sold in autumn. Enjoy the gentle flavor, aged moderately over the summer. (Junmai ginjo: Special brew sake made from only water, koji, and rice with a polishing ratio of 60% or less, fermented at low temperature.)

Junmai, Hiyaoroshi

This junmai sake is only sold in autumn. It has a deep flavor made by aging. (Junmai: Pure sake made from only water, koji, and rice.)

Kasutori Shochu, Risoppa Japanese Spirits

This fruity shochu (rice liquor) has the strong scent of ginjo, made by distilling only the pressed lees of Junmai, Junmai Ginjo, and Junmai Daiginjo with reduced pressure. It has a high alcohol content of 35%, but a soft flavor, so it can be enjoyed various ways, including served chill and straight or on the rocks.

Shochu Umeshu, Tsukiume K. (PLUMOON K.)

Tsukiume K. (PLUMOON K.) is umeshu (plum wine) made by soaking “Benisashi Essa” brand plums from Yasugi City in “Gassan Rissopa: Kasutori Shochu.” It has the umami flavor of plums, with a characteristic mild sour flavor and gentle sweetness.

Shochu Yuzushu, Tsukiyuzu K. (YUZUMOON K.)

Tsukiyuzu K. (YUZUMOON K.) is a liquor made by carefully pressing juice from yuzu (an Asian citrus fruit) grown in Shimane Prefecture and mixing the juice with “Gassan Risoppa: Kasutori Shochu.” It has a rich flavor similar to grapefruit, with the refreshing taste of yuzu, and is characterized by its mild sour and gentle sweet flavor

Junmai Ginjo Nakadori Muroka Namagenshu

This luxurious undiluted sake is bottled in the middle of the filtration process. It has a strong aroma and umami flavor, making it a satisfying drink. (Junmai ginjo: Special brew sake made from only water, koji, and rice with a polishing ratio of 60% or less, fermented at low temperature.)

Shiboritate (various brews)

From winter to spring, we bottle freshly brewed sake, including junmai and junmai ginjo brews. Release dates vary from one year to the next. Please check our “News” section for more.